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Here at Glory Edward, we use the Zyto Elite scan to measure your body’s responses to certain questions – a technology referred to as biocommunication.
By getting readings directly from the body, we can home in on the wellness options that your body is most biologically coherent with.
That’s why ZYTO technology is referred to as wellness decision support technology. It’s important to note that Zyto scans can’t be used to diagnose or treat any disease or medical condition.
However, screenings can give you the information you need to make better wellness decisions.
The amount of energy used in a scan is so low that it is safe for infants, children, and adults of all ages, including people with pacemakers and pregnant women.
Price: £ 250
The Ionic Foot Bath detoxifies your body and helps improve your overall health. It can help with conditions such as asthma, allergies, and arthritis.
The pH test said: Yes! My post detox pH levels were right in the middle of the spectrum, as they should be, and noticeably more alkaline than before the detox.
The detox continues to alkalize the body up to 48 hours after the treatment via urination and sweat, which is an added benefit. One should not eat/drink acidic foods after a treatment, to help better facilitate the detox process.
The ionic detox is a therapy that uses negative ions to cleanse the body of toxins. The ions attach themselves to the toxins and then are flushed out through the feet, which are immersed in a saltwater bath.
Most people can benefit from this therapy, as it is gentle and safe. It is especially good for those suffering from gastrointestinal disorders, skin conditions, fungal or yeast infections, and cancer.
As any seasoned spa-goer knows, a good foot detox can do wonders for your overall health and wellbeing. But how often should you give your feet a break? The answer may surprise you. While detoxing your feet once a week is generally recommended, some experts say that twice a week is even better.
The reason for a regular foot bath is that our feet are constantly exposed to toxins and chemicals. So our feet may benefit from a more frequent detox, which draws toxins from the feet and benefits the entire body.
If you often wear high heels or spend a lot of time on your feet, you may want to consider increasing the frequency of your foot detoxes. However, it’s important to listen to your body and consult with a professional before making any changes to your routine.
The Ionic foot bath helps the body relax and gently detox in a way it has never been able to before, even if normal pathways of elimination are compromised. An internally clean body may help other therapies and modalities work better. Detoxification and relaxation with this foot bath is a choice to strongly consider as part of your protocol – whether you are addressing a specific condition or creating a platform for health.
Toxicants and toxicity interfere with every system of the body.
Detoxification with the Ionic foot bath paves a clearer path to success by helping the body’s normal systems and processes function without these impediments. When you incorporate the Ionic foot bath into a health plan, almost every other therapy or intervention may have a greater impact on your health.
How it works
The Ionic foot bath’s patented technology results in only bio-compatible electrical frequencies entering the water. This elicits a relaxation response. Concurrently, these frequencies create an ionic field that cleanses and purifies the body through the power of ions. The process ionises the water as H2O and splits into OH- and H+ ions. These ions attract and neutralise oppositely charged toxins.
Typical session times are approximately 40 minutes and after a session the user feels calm, relaxed, and focused. There are no harmful side effects, and the process is painless, non-invasive, and completely safe.
What are the costs?
Single foot bath : £65
Package of five : £290
Package of ten : £520
Eczema is a dry skin condition that causes your skin to become inflamed, with itching, redness and sometimes cracked and bleeding areas of skin.
This one-hour consultation is suitable for everyone including people who want expert eczema advice and need a longer consult, people who have not previously had a consultation with Glory Edward and return patients who would like follow-up advice or a repeat prescription.
Price: £150
Ever wonder which foods would be supportive for your specific system versus looking for the foods that stress your body. This is the entire focus of our food for wellness scan.
It is common for clients to have the habit of just eating foods that are easy and convenient given their busy schedule. What happens if we are always eating the same foods and just don’t get around to “mixing it up” the same old menu?
This habit can cause foods that are indeed healthy foods begin to stress your system just because you’ve been eating them too much.
Our wellness scan can help you find out precisely what foods are good for you so you can decide your menu accordingly.
Nutritional therapists work with patients presenting issues linked to areas such as:
At Glory Edward wellness Centre, we offer a detoxifying and stress relieving LDM lymphatic drainage massage treatment at our award-winning health and beauty clinic.
LDM/MLD therapy is a relaxing tissue massage treatment designed to encourage the flow of lymph throughout the body. Using light pressure to stimulate the flow of lymph fluid to the lymphatic vessels, this therapy has many physical benefits including such as treating health conditions such as lymphedema.
The QBI health scan is a non-invasive health check that works through reading electromagnetic wave signals emitted by the human body.
The emitted electromagnetic wave signals are different under the different conditions of the human body, such as health, sub-health, disease, etc.
If we can determine these specific electromagnetic wave signals, we can determine the status of the body’s health.
* Appointments last around 1 hour
The quick scan Zyto wellness report shows what is stressing these four core systems:
It also looks at these different lifestyle areas to figure out what are their source of stressors:
Price: £150
Book a Scan For Candida Overgrowth, Parasites & Poor Gut Health with us today.
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Glory Edward Nutrition Ltd
Glory Edward Nutrition Ltd is registered in England and Wales | Registered office: 20-22 Wenlock Road, London, England, N1 7GU, UK
Company Number *13447089